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Acne Peel

Woman Getting Acne Peel

Acne peel treatments at Exceptional Dermatology Care in Fullerton, CA, are designed to clear acne-skin conditions and improve the appearance of acne scars. It is a light-duty peel and the most superficial of all chemical peels. They are the most popular and widely performed chemical peels because there is no downtime.* During an acne peel treatment, the skin is exfoliated using an alpha or beta hydroxyl acid or salicylic acid. A series of acne peels are recommended to improve mild to moderate severe cases of acne.*

Post Treatment

You may experience some stinging, redness, and irritation. It is also common to experience some temporary flaking or scaling, redness, and dryness of the skin. There is no downtime, and you most people can return to normal activities directly afterward.*


You will need to keep your skin clean and moist and should begin or continue your regular program of medications, skincare, and sun protection.

Medical Coverage

An acne chemical peel is generally covered by most PPO insurance carriers with two peels allowed per month. You understand that it is your responsibility to contact your insurance carrier to ensure coverage. For some reason, if the acne chemical peel treatment for acne is a non-covered benefit of your policy, you further understand that you will be charged $75.00 per treatment.

*Disclaimer, results may vary from person to person.