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For the 50 million people who cope with acne, sorting through the numerous acne treatments available can be frustrating and overwhelming. Dr. David J. Sire and his team of licensed skin care professionals have been helping acne patients treat both active acne outbreaks and the scarring that can result from acne lesions. We want to help you feel better about your complexion and ultimately, about yourself. At Exceptional Dermatology Care, we take a personalized approach to treating acne, meaning we consult one on one with patients in order to determine the best course of action. Beyond the actual treatment options, we also want to help you create a skincare regimen that works, and that will lead to healthier skin, acne-free skin.

Acne Scarring

For many patients, once acne lesions clear up or are removed, they leave behind discolorations and indentations on the skin. In many cases, acne can lead to scarring, especially if it is severe. Scars may form after acne has healed and cleared, and may vary from person to person.* Some people may have small flat scars that are not very noticeable and others may suffer from more visible and indented scars on the face or affected area. Acne scarring is most often caused by larger acne lesions, such as cysts or nodules, which can swell and rupture, causing a break in the wall of the individual pore. Infected material from the inflamed lesion can spill out through this break and can affect the nearby healthy tissue, leading to the appearance of a scar.


Although not harmful, most people are bothered by the unattractive appearance of these scars and seek treatment to remove or significantly reduce their appearance.


*Disclaimer, results may vary from person to person.